Come To Me
(Now That I’m Back)
is my autobiographical solo performance and recorded sound score. In it I dance, speak, and sing, conjuring my past, present, and future. Some events interrupt the crystallizing self portrait; others return to the theme of how one continues after being visited by the unexpected.
This solo dance came out of finding a way to comfortably and creatively reveal vulnerable parts of my self in performance. Instead of focusing on sensations of trauma, it explores the simple aim of feeling good. I impressionistically relay my story, selectively layering and revealing that which I can’t express linearly in one medium alone.
It’s inspired by current cultural and physical practices of making oneself feel better: Where and how can we find positive feeling in our daily experience?Can we find balance and connection in our quest for fulfillment, elation, or endorphins? By what means can pleasure be conveyed in a performance experience?
Come To Me (now that I’m Back) currently exists as an abstracted autobiographical canvas. The movement vocabulary playfully pushes my physical limitations with straightforward challenging feats. I set structured improvisations around moments of pain, pleasure, and challenge. I’m reshaping perspective on these moments by telling edited, garbled, and redacted impressions of my story.
I performed excerpts at the Atlantic Center for the Arts in New Smyrna, FL, in March, 2019 and (shown below) at the Dance Complex in Cambridge, MA, in June, 2019.
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Come To Me (an excerpt of a work-in-progress)
Choreographed, Voiced, and Performed by Jessica Roseman
Dramaturgy: Grace Mi-He Lee
Sound engineering: Jorrit Dijkstra & Jessica Roseman
Filmed by Dustin Flemming at The Dance Complex as a part of aMaSSiT 2019.